Our Outreach Ministry

Before connecting people with God, connect with God about people. And, continue to connect with God about people throughout the whole process. Why? -- Because it is Biblical. Because it works. Because it demonstrates love. Because outreach is about God.God provided for the salvation of the world through Jesus' death on the cross. We realize His unconditional love in the book of John 3:16 that God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. God is the One who seeks and saves, revealing Himself to people, and drawing people to Himself. If God did not do the seeking, saving, revealing, and drawing of people to Himself, all of our outreach efforts would be meaningless and fruitless.

Word of Life Outreach Ministry believes in sharing the love of God with every one, just as our Father in heaven loves us. Our Outreach mission is to expand on the pillars of Christian principles and core values. Since the establishment of WLI, our Outreach Ministry has embarked upon several projects which include: Sick Day Visitation, Prayer Services and prison centers. The Ministry has been very successful and instrumental in transforming some of those we minister to and has also brought forth tremendous changes in their lives.

Our Ministry is charged with the responsibility to:
  • assuring people of the reality of God's love so people can feel and experience for themselves
  • answering their doubts so they can know and believe that Jesus Christ is Lord
  • awakening their faith so they hear and respond as "faith comes by hearing
  • authenticating His message of reconciliation so they see and become accountable
  • go to God on their behalf (intercessory prayer, standing in the gap).
  • go to people as His ambassadors, on missions, one-on-one witnessing, visitation, door-to-door, church planting, etc.
  • assuring people of His love through consideration and compassion, benevolence, community outreach.
  • answering people's doubts through correction of misconceptions apologetics.
  • awakening people's faith through communication of God's Word, preaching and proclaiming, teaching (one-on-one, neighborhood Bible studies)
  • authenticating the message by characterization through reflection and lifestyle evangelism.