Children Ministry

Children’s ministry is one of the most important ministries in the church. It’s important because they are our kids. They are the leaders of tomorrow. Children’s ministry cannot be just a babysitting service. Children’s ministry should have the church’s best and brightest teachers and leaders. We all want the best for our children, yet we grow complacent with accepting anyone with a pulse to teach our kids. It’s not a time to become self-indulgent. We have been commissioned and entrusted by God to train of the next generation.

Children, as well as adults, need the touch of Jesus on their lives. They are precious in Jesus’ sight. He loves them! He wants children to be brought to Him. "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these" (Mk. 10:14). Children need help in learning how to navigate in today’s world … and they have so much of life ahead of them. Children are faced with war, terrorism, crime and other anxieties. Many of them are vulnerable, frightened, hopeless and helpless.

Children’s ministry is an equipping ground; it’s a time where kids should get together to celebrate God and reinforce the teachings of Christ that they should be receiving at home. If they’re not receiving godly teaching at home, then it’s a place of hope and love where we should be reaching out and become a Christ-like figure for those kids.

Word of Life Int'l is blessed with both youth and kids. The leadership is working very closely with parents to ensure that they take responsibility to bringing thier kids to Christ just as our Lord has commissioned us.
