REACHING THE UN-REACHED: Word of Life International shall endeavor to reach the un-reached through partnership with individual supporters, churches and donor institutions (Public and Private) to promote evangelism and improve the standard of care for all people, the affected mankind of our global world, (the target of our evangelistic ministry).
PURPOSE: To establish Churches and maintain a covenanted community of people to worship God, to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ locally and worldwide, and to provide community Services, Christian fellowship, training and a spiritual environment conducive to meeting the growth requirement of the Spirit, Soul and Body.
MOTTO: "Feed My Sheep" (St. John 21:16). The women, children, old aged, the youth, the sick, the disabled, and hungry must be fully reached as they remained the un-reached until we reach them with the Gospel and what it takes for them to physically recover the devastation of
life and sustain themselves.
OUR COLOR – Green & White - Growth in purity.